Hits User Agent ---------------- ---------------------- 12346 69.25% MSIE 7.0 2154 12.08% Mozilla/5.0 978 5.49% ZoominfoBot (zoominfobot at zoominfo dot com) 316 1.77% AhrefsBot/6.1 224 1.26% YandexBot/3.0 124 0.70% Googlebot/2.1 118 0.66% bingbot/2.0 112 0.63% The Knowledge AI 97 0.54% Sogou web spider/4.0(+http://www.sogou.com/docs/help/webmasters.htm#07) 95 0.53% MJ12bot/v1.4 92 0.52% MSIE 6.0 59 0.33% Java/1.6.0_04 46 0.26% Exabot/3.0 36 0.20% Java/1.8.0_201 34 0.19% Qwantify/2.4 31 0.17% MSIE 9.0 29 0.16% Go-http-client/1.1 24 0.13% Safari/14607. CFNetwork/978.0.7 Darwin/18.6.0 (x86_64) 23 0.13% Barkrowler/0.9 (+http://www.exensa.com/crawl) 21 0.12% MSIE 5.5 20 0.11% e.ventures Investment Crawler (eventures.vc) 18 0.10% SEOkicks 16 0.09% 8LEGS 16 0.09% CheckMarkNetwork/1.0 (+http://www.checkmarknetwork.com/spider.html) 15 0.08% MSIE 10.0 15 0.08% MobileSafari/604.1 CFNetwork/978.0.7 Darwin/18.6.0 15 0.08% ips-agent)" 14 0.08% CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/) 13 0.07% Baiduspider/2.0 11 0.06% Gigabot 10 0.06% Dataprovider.c 10 0.06% Linux x86_64 9 0.05% Opera 7.0 8 0.04% Daum/4.1 8 0.04% SuperPagesUrlVerifyBot/1.0 7 0.04% NetcraftSurveyAgent/1.0 7 0.04% Opera 7.54 6 0.03% (info@domaincrawler.com; http://www.domaincrawler.com/markvigil.com) 6 0.03% Mozilla/3.0 6 0.03% Mozilla/4.79 6 0.03% Opera 8.50 6 0.03% Safari/11605.3.8.1 CFNetwork/760.9 Darwin/15.6.0 (x86_64) 6 0.03% Scrapy/1.6.0 (+https://scrapy.org) 6 0.03% Yeti/1.1 5 0.03% evc-batch/2.0 4 0.02% DuckDuckGo-Favicons-Bot/1.0 4 0.02% Jooblebot/2.0 4 0.02% Researchscan/t12sns 4 0.02% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (compatible;) 4 0.02% http://url-validation.c 3 0.02% MSIE 2.0 3 0.02% MSIE 3.02 3 0.02% MSIE 4.01 3 0.02% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible- MSIE 6.0- Windows NT 5.1- SV1- .NET CLR 1.1.4322 3 0.02% Mozilla/4.61 3 0.02% Mozilla/4.76 3 0.02% Opera 7.11 3 0.02% Opera 8.00 3 0.02% Opera 8.01 3 0.02% Opera 9.00 3 0.02% Opera 9.01 3 0.02% Python-urllib/1.17 3 0.02% Researchscan/t12ca 3 0.02% Researchscan/t13rl 2 0.01% MSIE 8.0 2 0.01% Pandalytics/1.0 (https://domainsbot.com/pandalytics/) 2 0.01% Python-urllib/2.7 2 0.01% Sogou Pic Spider/3.0(+http://www.sogou.com/docs/help/webmasters.htm#07) 2 0.01% YisouSpider 2 0.01% ia_archiver 2 0.01% python-requests/2.22.0 1 0.01% BublupBot (+https://www.bublup.com/bublup-bot.html) 1 0.01% Googlebot-Video/1.0 1 0.01% Mozilla/5.7 1 0.01% mozilla
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